Learning for Life (PSHE)
Loreto “Learning for Life” (Personal, social, health and economic education or PSHE) is an integral part of the curriculum and embedded in the ethos of the school. Personal development is enhanced as young people develop the skills they need to grow and develop as individuals and members of society. We want our young people to be healthy, both mentally and physically, form strong and safe relationships and develop an awareness about the world and their place within it. When they leave us, we will have prepared them for the world of work and taught them the skills to be able to make safe informed decisions and lead happy and healthy adult lives.
Form teachers deliver the PSHE curriculum through nine key lessons during the year and subject areas have identified additional aspects of PSHE that are delivered by subject teachers. This approach allows all staff to be involved in the delivery of such a vital part of a young person’s education.
Three aspects of PSHE are taught, as recommended by the PSHE association and the new PSHE Government curriculum guidelines;
- Health and well-being education
- Relationships and sex education
- Economic well-being, careers and citizenship
For our RSE teaching, We primarily follow the Catholic Teaching “Life to the Full” Ten Ten resources package. All years are taught about the topic of “consent.”
In Year 7, the pupils are advised about looking after their own health and well-being, studying topics such as changes through puberty, the benefits of exercise, the dangers of smoking, caffeine and the importance of a balanced diet and sleep. They learn how to be safe online and how to protect their “online presence.” By the end of KS3, these themes have been revisited, in form time PSHE but also in science, computing and PE. First aid training is incorporated in years 8 and 9 in PE, as students learn to look after the health and well-being of others, as well as themselves. Drugs education continues in years 8 and 9, with vaping, alcohol and other recreational drugs education taught, including the laws. How to recognise the triggers of unhealthy coping strategies and managing stress and anxiety, are also discussed, as well as raising self-esteem and resilience across all three years.
Year 7 learn how to form and manage strong relationships, primarily with their friends and they are armed with the skills to address child on child abuse (bullying, including the growing issue of cyberbullying.) By year 9 more intimate relationships have been discussed and pupils are equipped with the skills to recognise the difference between healthy and unhealthy relationships and where to go to for support. All years are taught about “consent.” Outside “specialist” speakers are invited in, to ensure that certain topics are addressed sensitively – e.g. consent, drugs and sexual health education. New Government guidance on the teaching of sex education is available in the link below;
Government guidance on the teaching of sex education
At Key Stage 4 and 5, the themes of health and well-being and healthy relationships are developed further and opportunities for discussion are encouraged within forms. We look at the role of marriage and family relationships, as well as female health issues. Sensitive topics such as sexual harassment, (including child on child,) the dangers of pornography, coercive control, and stalking, are all raised. Students are directed to areas of support. There is also a greater emphasis on careers and the world of work, as students move towards adulthood. We invite in representatives from the workplace to share their experiences and offer work placement opportunities. Post 16 and post 18 educational opportunities are highlighted and more “life skills,” such as managing money and how to run a budget are shared.
In addition to the PSHE curriculum, it is our intent to offer as many wider extra-curricular opportunities as possible throughout Years 7-13. STEM days, RE retreats, creative arts, sports leadership, Lenten fundraising, drama festival, shows, musical concerts, gym and dance displays and university visits are all evidence of this. Our “themed cross curricular weeks” allow partnerships between departments and stimulate creativity. We also have a school council, Eco group, Justice and Peace group and a WOW group (Women of the world) promoting and discussing equality issues.