Loreto College St Albans

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Satchel One – Loreto’s homework tool

Satchel One is used for setting home learning. 

Students should be regularly logging in to check the home learning that they need to complete.

Students accessing Satchel One

To log in, students need to use their office 365 accounts by going to SATCHEL:ONE, clicking on the Student tab and then clicking the ‘sign in with Office 365’ button. (Screenshot below) 

Office 365 uses the student’s email address and the same password as is used to log on to computers/emails at Loreto.


Parents accessing Satchel One

Before 30 October, parents will be emailed a parent code which will allow you to create a Satchel One account linked to your child. This will allow parents to view when home learning is being set.

Once you have your parent code you will be able to use the link below to set up your account.

After you have created an account the same link will allow you to log in.


Homework Timetables

Please see below for homework timetables for this year.