Loreto College St Albans

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Uniform & Equipment

The school expects all students to the wear uniform correctly and without complaint.

In choosing to send their daughters to Loreto, parents are making a commitment to support the school in this.  We ask that you encourage your daughter to wear her uniform with pride and to keep in a state of good repair.  Skirts should be worn to the knee.  Footwear should take the form of black leather shoes.  Canvas shoes, trainers and boots are not acceptable.  Any pupil who needs to wear other footwear on medical grounds must supply a letter from an orthotic specialist to support this claim.  Make-up, nail products, dyed hair, and extravagant hair accessories are not allowed.

The official stockist for Loreto uniform, including our blazer and a few items which bear Loreto colours, is Stevensons Limited, Victoria Street, St Albans, Herts.

uniform 2024.pdf

 PE KIT UPDATE – 8th September 2022

Stevensons now supply our new PE jacket:- FITTED STORM JACKET – Item Ref: 031919

For a visual guide to which footwear is appropriate for school, please click here:

Uniform shoe checker

If ever there is any doubt about whether a certain item is acceptable, please contact the school office.  Some items of uniform can also be purchased second-hand from the school office.  For further information on this, please email admin@loreto.herts.sch.uk.