Loreto College St Albans

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Yr10 Careers Day | Tues 16 July 2024

The Year 10 Careers Day was a great success and the students appeared to get a lot out of each session, which focussed on a range of careers-related information and skills.

 The Day’s Programme:

  • Guess the Profession gave students a chance to question people working in a range of different careers.
  • CV Workshop let students access Unifrog - the online careers platform - to build their own CV.
  • Transferable Skills & Mock Assessment Centre with Alison Moore from Herts University, provided students with information and a real-life mock assessment centre immersive experience.
  • Final Guest Speaker, Naomi Czuba, talked about her career path and encouraged students on their individual journeys.

Here are some reflections from our Year 10 students, who all did themselves, and the school, proud:

  • I liked Naomi Czuba’s talk as it was very inspirational.
  • I found the CV Workshop really useful.
  • I loved the last talk – her talk was very powerful and motivational.
  • I enjoyed working with my friends.
  • The Guess the Profession was fun!
  • All the sessions were fun and interactive and educational.
  • The day helped you get a clearer view of careers.
  • I really liked Guess the Profession as the people inspired me.
  • I enjoyed learning to communicate with new people.
  • I was able to learn various new skills such as more effective ways of communication.
  • The talks really inspired me and boosted my knowledge on the importance of careers in the real world
  • I learnt how the assessment centre works, and how and what we should do.
  • I really liked the way we were grouped and working in a team.
  • The mock assessment showed me what to expect in the selection process and how we’re assessed.
  • I really enjoyed the interactive games and being able to talk / ask questions to the guests.
  • Loved the Guess the Profession.
  • It was very helpful to hear what employers look for in potential employees.
  • Today gave me the courage to continue going forward and be happy.

The Careers Team would like to extend their sincere thanks to all the guest who gave up their time to attend the day, and all the members of staff, who worked hard to make the day such a success.

Our guests were:

  • Paul Cremins – Loreto’s Enterprise Adviser
  • Alison Moore – Herts Uni
  • Naomi Czuba – Artistic Director & Founder @ NCD

Guess the Profession – Guests:

  • Emma Sagir – solicitor
  • Adam Sagir – band publicist
  • Olivia Loh – physiotherapist
  • Katie Mallett – hair extensions stylist
  • Andy Goldsmith – CEO | media production (podcasts)
  • Rebecca Hemy - art director (TV drama)