Loreto College St Albans

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French Play (Yr9)

Yr9 were treated to an Onatti production of Prendre sa revanche...Take Revenge!

Here are two students to tell us all about it:

Emily Heams

I think that the French play was very exciting as we got to see it in real life and the actors included students in the action as well, which was very funny. 

I also really enjoyed the play because the actors made it entertaining and extremely funny. They also made it easy to understand by using actions and the sets around them.

Bella Flammia

I enjoyed the French play.  It was interesting and throughout the whole play I was listening to see what I could understand.  The actors let students join in which was really funny.  They were using actions while speaking in French which really helped me understand it more.  The actors were funny, especially their facial expressions.

This intrigued me and made me want to keep watching.  Overall, I really enjoyed the play and I would love to see more plays like this.