Loreto College St Albans

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French Play (Year 9)

Le cours d’art

Here's Oleksandra & Mercy to tell you more about it. 

The play started with five students who had an art lesson. Their task was to draw the personalities of their classmates. When they saw each other’s work, they were upset and one girl decided to lock everyone in the classroom. The girls started to panic and everyone quickly forgot all the arguments they had before. 

The play was funny and I really enjoyed it. 

Oleksandra Ivanko


In my opinion, I quite liked the play on Friday as it was fun and entertaining. The play interacted with the audience giving us time to think about and understand what was going on instead of being lost completely. There were some bits that I did not understand word for word; but the gestures made by the actors helped me understand a lot better.

The story as a whole was fun to watch and it helped me to learn a lot of vocabulary.

Mercy Adeoye