Loreto College St Albans

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Careers Talk | Rebecca Anderson (June 2024) 

We were delighted, and honoured, to welcome back past pupil, Rebecca Anderson, Tuesday afternoon. Students in Yr10 & Yr12 (& staff!) were lucky enough to hear her talk about her time at Loreto and what she’s been up to since!

"When I left Loreto in 2019, I was set to study Veterinary Medicine. Two years into the degree I elected to take an optional year out of the programme, to study a BSc in Medical Sciences and Global Health at Imperial College London, which proved to be a turning point for my career. Whilst completing this year, I began working for a research team at Imperial where much of their work contributes to the modelling of the HIV epidemic in Africa supported by the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS). Deciding to explore this field further, I stayed on working here instead of returning to the veterinary programme. From here I have gone on to support country teams as they produce estimates to monitor HIV in their countries, having travelled to the Cote d’Ivoire last year to provide support at UNAIDS’ annual estimates workshop, as well as pursuing my own research looking at HIV in vulnerable populations, working with collaborators across the globe. I am also currently completing a MSc in Epidemiology at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine." 

A couple of Yr10 students have shared their thoughts on Rebecca's presentation: 

Rebecca's talk about her journey of switching career path from avid vet student to completing her masters in epidemiology really changed my mindset. I really enjoyed it and it inspired me to seek out and take more opportunities in the future.

It was very informative and eye-opening.  It highlighted opportunities that I had not previously considered as well as the importance of skills in my career, rather than having to do exactly the same job for my whole life.  Given that jobs are evolving so quickly, knowing that my skills (like numeracy, communication and languages) can be applied to various areas throughout my life is a real positive.
Thank you, Rebecca, for giving up your precious time to share your academic, and world of work, experiences to date. We can't wait to hear what's next in store for you...