Loreto College St Albans

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Author Talk (Yr 9) - Tia Fisher

Tia Fisher visited Year 9 and spoke about her award-winning debut novel Crossing the Line.  Written in narrative verse and based on a true story, Tia’s novel tackles the topic of County Lines (covered in PSHE lessons) and won the prestigious Yoto Carnegies Shadowers’ Choice Award this year.

Tia’s book was also selected for the 2024 Read for Empathy collection of which she is immensely proud,  “Reading books is the best way of getting into another person’s mind, feeling what they are going through and building your empathy muscle” she said.

Daria 9Y commented: “Tia was really inspirational and her book a real eye-opener.  It’s so sad the struggles that some young people go through.”

Eliza 9Y added: “I loved how she wanted to make her novel more inclusive by writing it in narrative verse.”

Daniella won a signed copy of Tia’s book and all pupils who asked a question were given a bookmark!

Author Visit - Tia Fisher (Oct 2024)