Loreto College St Albans

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Art & Technology


The Art and Technology department is a lively and productive place where our goal is to engage, inspire and challenge pupils. We are proud to create an inclusive environment where diversity and sustainability is celebrated, enabling students to develop as a whole person as well as a potential artist or designer. We aim to equip every student with the knowledge and ability to work independently and creatively; transferable skills which will serve them well during their Art & Design studies and beyond.

At Key Stage 3, we prepare students as fully as possible for the demands of the GCSE and A level courses we offer by developing inspiring and aspirational projects. The Year 7 course is designed to set a strong foundation in the following areas, which we then build on in subsequent years:

  • How to communicate ideas using the formal elements of colour, line, form, tone, texture, pattern and shape.
  • How to make best use of the properties and effects of a wide range of different media, materials, techniques, processes and technologies.
  • How to think critically and use specialist language to evaluate and analyse the work of a diverse range of artists, craftspeople and designers.
  • How to use both hand and computer- based drawing techniques to record the observed world and explore ideas visually.

The GCSE and A level courses are designed to extend these skills, as well as encouraging self-expression and creativity through a number of individual projects. Students are given the opportunity to work on their own lines of enquiry and to develop strong independent learning and creative problem-solving skills that are essential for higher education or any career in the 21st Century. They are encouraged to visit galleries, museums and art fairs to inspire their own work and gain an insight into the processes and professional life of an artist or designer.

Art Curriculum Maps

Art, Craft & Design

Technology Curriculum Maps

In Key Stage 3, technology subjects are studied on a carousel.


