Governor Profiles
Mark Healy – Foundation Governor
(Chair of Governors with effect 1 September 2020)
(and Safeguarding Governor, SEND Governor & Offsite Visits Governor)
Appointed: 1 May 2012
Current Term of Office: 1 March 2024 to 29 February 2028
I have lived in St Albans for almost 30 years having strong family and charity links within the City. I have been a Foundation Governor at Loreto since 2012; appointed Chair of Finance Committee in 2015 and elected Chair of Governors in 2020.
Both of my daughters attended Loreto some years ago and have gone on to attend further education and achieve success in their respective workplace vocations.
During my working career I have held several sales & marketing roles in Europe, specifically within the luxury goods sector with the Richemont group. I believe my broad commercial experience brings an additional dimension to the support of the school’s senior leadership team.
Lucy Thompson – Ex-officio Foundation Governor
(Appointed 17 April 2023)
I am on the governing body primarily because I am the Headteacher of Loreto College. I have over 25 years experience in education and have taught overseas, worked in senior leadership in inner London Catholic girls’ schools and have also worked as a senior local authority officer in secondary education in an inner London borough. In my school roles I have been the link senior lead preparing papers and sitting on the Curriculum and Pupils, Parents and Community Committees. I have also sat in Finance and Personnel Committees as an observer.
Victoria Barrett – Foundation Governor
(Chair of Curriculum Committee)
Appointed: 5 February 2024
Current Term of Office: 5 February 2024 to 4 February 2028
I am an "old Loreto girl" and have continued to live and work within Hertfordshire for a number of years. I maintain strong links to St Albans and I am part of the old girls' network.
My working career has been varied and I have enjoyed many opportunities that I believe are from the grounding and values that I was privileged to receive during my time at Loreto College.
I work within the local government sector, I have a Fine Art degree, an MA in visual theory; a Graduate Diploma in Law and I completed my Legal Practice Course.
I would like to give something back to the school and offer current and prospective students a satisfying, safe and enjoyable journey through the school.
Janet Caulfield – Staff Governor (Teacher)
Appointed: 1 January 2023
Current Term of Office: 1 January 2023 to 31 December 2026
I joined Loreto College in 2011, primarily as a Humanities teacher and in 2013 became a Head of Year for Key Stage 3. For a number of years, I was Head of Year 7 and developed close links with our feeder schools as well as getting to know pupils and parents at the start of their Loreto journey. My other responsibilities included co-ordination of PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education) for Key Stages 3 and 4 and I am currently a Deputy DSL (Designated Safeguarding Lead) and Assistant Headteacher with the Senior Leadership Team.
Deacon Brendan Day – Foundation Governor
Appointed: 2 December 2024
Current Term of Office: 2 December 2024 to 1 December 2028
I have lived in St. Albans just over 30 years, with my wife Lisa, and our 2 daughters were born and grew up here. Both attended Loreto College, before going on to university, both achieving a 1st class degree.
I was ordained as a permanent deacon on July 24th 2021 after 4 years of formation, during which I attained a foundation degree in pastoral studies, and a post-grad certificate in catholic social teaching.
Most of my working life has been in the home-improvement industry, but for the last 3 years or so, I’ve been working for Stannah as a stairlift and homelift consultant.
I hope to deepen the pastoral relationship between the parish and the college, and to help others grow in their understanding of their faith, and who the person of Jesus is.
Andrew Gregory (known as David Gregory) – Parent Governor
(Vice-Chair of Governors with effect from 26 September 2023)
Appointed: 23 February 2017
Current Term of Office: 23 February 2025 to 22 February 2029
I have two daughters who have attended Loreto from Year 7. One finished her A-Levels, and the other entered the 6th Form in 2023. I was born and raised in St. Albans and have strong family and community links to the City.
I am currently a director for an international consulting engineering company with offices close to the school, and have spent the last 20 years working on water and civil engineering projects both in the UK and overseas. Through my work I have good links to industry, educational establishments and government agencies both locally and nationally. In my current role I am also actively involved with graduate, technical and apprentice recruitment and training.
Sr Kathryn Keigher – Foundation Governor
Appointed: 1 May 2012
Current Term of Office: 4 January 2025 to 3 January 2029
I am a retired English teacher and my first post was at Loreto College, St Albans where I taught English and Religious Education. Since then I have taught at Loreto Altrincham where I was deputy headteacher for 6 years and Loreto Sixth Form College where I taught students with special educational needs.
I am currently the Justice and Peace Co-ordinator for Loreto and CJ Communities, Schools and Colleges in England. In this role I am also the contact person for our Office at the United Nations. This is a joint office with the Loreto Sisters and the CJs where we are known as IBVM/Loreto Generalate. As a Governor I am a member of the Personnel Committee. I always look forward to returning to Loreto St Albans.
Sr Cecilia Turtle (known as Sr Bernadette Turtle) – Foundation Governor
Appointed: 1 May 2012
Current Term of Office: 4 January 2025 to 3 January 2029
I am a member of the LEEN (Loreto English Education Network), and a member of the Governing Body of four of our Loreto Schools/College in England as well as a Trustee of another Religious Order in Wales. Before retiring I taught Music, English and RE in our Loreto schools/college in Manchester, Altrincham and St Albans. I am a Mancunian by birth, but I now live the Convent in Llandudno, Wales, next to our Loreto Retreat Centre.
Eoin Woods – Parent Governor (Co-opted)
(Chair of Finance, Audit and Premises Committee)
Appointed: 10 February 2020
Current Term of Office: 10 February 2025 to 9 February 2026
My daughter previously attended Loreto and I was involved in the Loreto Parents Association for a number of years. I live in Hemel Hempstead and work in London in the software engineering industry. I have been working with schools for over 15 years as a Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Ambassador, visiting schools several times a year to run STEM activities.
Chris Young – Staff Governor (Support)
Appointed: 27 September 2023
Current Term of Office: 27 September 2023 to 26 Sept 2027
I have been Exams Officer and Data Manager at Loreto since 2017 as well as Data Protection Officer since April 2023. I have strong mathematical and data analysis experience which has enabled me help develop targets for our students and Loreto as a whole. I work with the senior leadership to develop strategies to support all our students in achieving their potential and meeting their goals at Loreto. I support our senior students in their external exams, and by making the process as simple and calm as possible I aim to enable them to succeed at the highest levels.
Sr Josette Zammit Mangion – Foundation Governor
Appointed: 2 December 2024
Current Term of Office: 2 December 2024 to 1 December 2028
I was born in Malta and came to the UK to join the IBVM, having trained and worked as a teacher. I taught for 2 years in Loreto Altrincham, then moved on to theological studies. Following this I joined the retreat team at Loyola Hall, Merseyside where I trained as a spiritual director.
I am currently a member of the team at Loreto Spirituality Centre in Llandudno, working on a variety of themed and individually guided Retreats.
Governors that have stepped down from the Governing Body during the last academic year:
Sr Anne McEvoy - Foundation Governor (until 1 December 2024)
Sian Ireland - Staff Governor (Teacher) (until 31 August 2024)
Kathlyn Wilson - Foundation Governor (until 30 April 2024)
Damian Osman - Staff Governor - Support (until 26 September 2023)